Wild Athlete Coaching

Release your Wild Athlete

From weekend warriors to pro athletes, everyone needs guidance from a coach. If you lack motivation, need to lose a few pounds, would like to PR on your next event or if you are just interested in boosting your immune system, Wild Athlete coaching is for you. I offer complete online wellness coaching services with a strong focus on holistic fitness and functional nutrition. With 30 years of coaching experience and over 500 endurance events under my belt, I've learned a thing or two about maximizing my own natural abilities. Now, is time share this knowledge with you.


  • Nutrition: Weight loss, Sport Specific, Supplements, Motivation 
  • Sports Specific Performance and Conditioning (Triathlon, Running, Hiking, Hunting Fitness)
  • Injury recovery, Gait analysis, gait Re-education, Biomechanical Realignment (Gravitus ID Image Assessment Program), Athletic Footwear Recommendation.
  • 50 plus fitness and wellness


Coaching price structure:


$250/month: Full access to Q and A, custom program, biomechanical evaluation with custom insole and shoe recommendation, virtual bike fit, nutrition, weight loss, race specific preparation.

4 weeks of training plan at a time


Pre-Written custom programs:

$275  Ironman distance, 21 weeks, 3x30 min feedback session

$225  ½ Ironman distance 16 weeks 2x30min  feedback session

$175  Sprint-Olympic distance 12 weeks 1x30 min feedback session, running programs, hunting fitness




For best results it is strongly recommended to commit for at least 12 weeks. 

Once we establish the perfect plan for your needs, you will receive a health questionnaire and an electronic invoice. Once payment is received, an introductory online meeting will be scheduled to get you started on your new program.  


For questions or to sign up, contact:

Adriano Rosa BS, BOC-ATC, CSCS, NASM-Sports Nutrition

wildathlete.coach@gmail.com or 616.890.2777